I save the world

Let's help your audience "C" the bigger picture through Content Management, Copywriting and  Curated  Social Media Ads

Content Management

Sample Pitch, sample Content Calendar, sample E-commerce Store Setup, sample Mood Board and sample Product Infographic


Sample Product Description, sample Social Media Caption, sample Autobiography and sample PR Release

Social Media Ads Strategy

Sample Always-On Ads, sample Ad Budget Matrix, sample CPAS, sample Audience Targetting and sample Keyword Buying

track record

Brands he worked with as their Content Director


Professional qualities that stand out on his projects


Final outputs are guaranteed to exhibit the perfect product truth. Identifying audience insight plays a key role on how to best position an angle. All materials will bridge what needs to be communicated in the manner of how the target market would best perceive it.


Contrary to standard norms, Justin works best alone. This is due to him organizing every step from ideation, planning, creating, and up until execution. When challenged, he seeks an extra hand from his network of trusted field professionals. 


Justin loves to tailorfit product characteristics into compelling narratives. Identifying people's psyche helps build up a story through intimacy. These are best shown when tonality is agreed and snippets of a client's background is given exposure to add a personal touch for the audience. 


Justin's curiosity is his survival instinct. He makes sure to always be updated on social trends, relevant slangs and the overall evolution of the internet space. This translates to brand new approaches in outputs and up-to-date strategies that would seem second nature to the readers' present comprehension.

Ping me!

Let's collaborate and make things happen

Metro Manila

Email: jammimanlulofiles @gmail.com
Tel:  +63 906 3932967
Linkedin: Justin Angelo Manlulo